Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You Know You are in Hong Kong When...

  1. any food you order is prepared by boiling with lots of salt
  2. you go outside in 70 F weather and people are wearing jackets
  3. there is a cat in every shop (and sometimes in-between, too)
  4. you can get Chilean wine for roughly USD 4
  5. there are so many people that you cannot get around a corner until the light at the cross-walk changes.
  6. everything is uphill
  7. the phrase "locally grown" means "from Australia"
  8. "milk" actually refers to a soy product, despite there being a cow on the carton (do not ask what cheese is made of!)
  9. dried seafood is the best thing around to smell (aside from your own armpits)
  10. demonstratives lose all meaning and value ("This is Game"? No, this is Engrish!)
  11. the customer is always wrong
  12. the sea glows in the dark
  13. you go out at any time of day or night and have to avoid little old ladies who, despite being less than four feet tall, manage to take up the entire sidewalk
  14. the "sidewalk" consists of the concrete slabs not occupied by random poles
  15. you can haggle for almost anything
  16. Sunday is random-and-largely-ignored protest day
  17. the national pastime is Tai Chi
  18. people who honk their car horns also drive and not the other way around (you have to be here to get it)
  19. you are a giant despite being only 5'7" and weighing 155 lbs
  20. being social is accidentally bumping into someone on the sidewalk


  1. This made me laugh out loud. Ah, the joys of an expat life! xx.

  2. Too bad they're not all exaggerations...
